Friday, December 31, 2010

The Year 2010

Happy New Year, Everyone!!!

The year 2010 has undoubtedly added another batch of memories for me to remember in my life as an amateur writer online. I'll admit that this year has not been too productive for me since my life outside writing has taken most of my time.

However, I'm proud to say that this year has allowed me to evaluate why I write and for whom I write. The controversies I've faced against the anonymous haters on my formsprings allowed me to grow up and realize that I don't really have to please anybody.

I write for myself, for my creative outlet and never to please anyone. The readers who support my work and actually take time to comment about how they appreciate what I write are just bonuses for the craft I enjoy.

Secondly, amidst the controversies, I've gained friends online who continue to support me even though we don't really know each other personally. I think that it's really amazing for people to become friends despite the cultural difference and despite distance.

Third, I still would like to continue giving all the credits to God Almight for every endeavor I have undertaken and succeeded. Without Him, I would never have achieved or conquered whatever tests and problems I have encountered in the year 2010.

Lastly, to the people especially to the readers, thank you so much for the support. =) I will try my best and hardest to continue improving my craft and give you more wonderful stories to read in 2011. =)

God Bless You, Everyone!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

I just dropped by to wish everybody a merry, merry Christmas!
And also, have a Happy New Year!
This Christmas, apart from the food, lights and gifts,
let's not forget the birth of our Lord.
God Bless you and your family! =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Busy as hell

My life took a sudden dive for a lot of things... Literally.

I will have a few days off for Christmas but that's the only rest I get after a lot of weeks filled with strenuous activities ranging from mountain-hiking, gift giving, Christmas parties and the moohlaah... er... whatever.

Anyways, I will try to conjure an update for my stories during the few days of free time I'm allowed to have in the spirit of Christmas. Hopefully, it'll be my Christmas gift to all of you. =)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Just Started my OJT

That is my on-the-job-training at the Office of the Ombudsman... I just started yesterday, December 1, 2010 and everything is going well so far.

This pretty much takes up most of my free time during weekdays aside from my classes so yes, I'm still busy. Gaaahhh... Free time, when will you ever come to me and give me enough rest?!

Anyways, yeah, that's it.

Wish me luck on my OJT! =)