Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Schedule

for the coming month of September...

Well, looks like I'm going to be little more busy than usual. (Let's assume I'm still not that busy enough. Ugh.)

September 13-15 - Educational Trip around Manila.

Also, I was hoping to come to the following events:

September 11 - Food Fest at friend's neighborhood + Sleepover (I was told to keep this date free.)
September 24 - Cosplay Competition sponsored by IICT in our University.

I really want to join a Cosplay competition even just once in my entire life so I'm going to be working on my costume during my free time. I was planning to cosplay Enma Ai from Hell Girl (Jigoku Shoujo). Costume is still on planning stages. I haven't canvassed the cloths to be used and I haven't even decided where to have it made.

I told you I'm busy. Hn.

Update on write-ups:

TCI Chapter 34 is almost done.
KTC Chapter 11 has not yet been started.

Tentative date of update: Next Weekend.
Hopefully, you guys can wait 'til then. =)


Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Beginning and an End...

To all of you who has bothered to even check out this blog by a measly College student-slash-fanfic writer-slash-graphics designer-slash-fangirl, I have an announcement to make...

My Graphics Site - Sinful Indulgence - is officially closed.

I realized that being a Senior in College isn't easy and try as I might, my time is largely spent on lots of activities at school, within school or school-related.

I dedicate what little free time I have to writing, which, I must say, isn't much. And if I were to squeeze in Graphics Designing, I simply have to give up either of the two.

Choosing between Writing and Graphics Designing is like choosing between DBSK and Big Bang. It's hard, it's frustrating and it's heartbreaking. =(

After a month of deliberation, mostly against myself, I finally decided to give up Graphics Designing indefinitely. It's heart-breaking because I have been so in-tuned with Photoshopping that giving it up was like giving up a limb. I feel as if a body part of mine was severed... =(

On the other hand, I would like to announce a beginning.

Last month, in light of all the haters that spammed my formsprings with passionate revulsion, I secretly started a personal blog where I can vent my frustrations and personal dilemma.

I realized that blogging has been a big part of me that whenever I feel surreal and overwhelming emotions, I put them into use and speak through my blog. Well, since I decided to make this blog professional and solely dedicated to all my stories, it has been tough for me.

However, ever since I started my other blog, I've felt quite content and happy for myself. =) At least, there were no people to bother me and judge me without knowing me personally.

So, even though I've announced the existence of a secret blog, I'd like to keep that blog to myself. Thank you very much for respecting my privacy. =)
