Guess who that truant is?
But at least I show up every once in a while to quench the readers' thirst for updates. That's not so bad, right?
What have I been up to lately?
Well, actually, there has been a lot going on in my school and my social life. I don't want to include the tidbits but I've been busy attending a cultural festival and our university sports festival.

So, in connection with the celebration of the cultural festival, I got a hena tattoo! It's fading now but it was really cool when I had it. It made me feel like I was a badass or something like that. It's good to bend the rules every once in a while.
And of course, we had our university-wide Literary Musical Contests. Being a former basketball varsity player in high school, I took this opportunity to play basketball in the team representing our College. Out of three games, we've won two games so far. The only downside was that, we lacked players. There were only five of us and absolutely no substitute players. Can you imagine running around the basketball court for full four quarters with only a few seconds rest in between? God... It was... exhausting!
Anyway, enough of those things. I decided up post something new in this blog because I actually wrote a new update for The Crimson Insignia. Yes, Chapter 24 is up. =)
TCI CHAPTER 24: A Perilous Banquet II
“Don’t touch her or…
Or else I’ll period on your face!”
- Kazama Reiko
(I seriously love this line!)
This is the continuation of the charity ball which Miharu and Shin attended from Chapter 23. I tried to sustain the action, the drama, the humor, the twists from Chapter 23 up to this chapter. Hopefully, I'm successful. hehe
cahaya - As always, what a detailed comment. Thank you! And it's actually Reiko which the leader of the armed called 'butterfly', not Ryou. hehe
lilmisssmartey - I like Reiko too, because she's like a walking contradiction. She's strong but hilarious and even if she's like a sister to Ryou, her mind isn't really influenced by familiarity and connections. It's like she has her own opinion of things.
simpleangel - Yes, Ishiguro Ryou is Miharu's ex-boyfriend, the one who wants her back. hehe
pkv - Thank you! Glad you found the previous chapter interesting. I'm beginning to run out of wits on how to proceed with this story. I'm trying my best to keep things interesting. haha
~*BaeSeulGi*~ - I seriously love that line too. haha
sprinklez_123 - Does Kenta's Uncle and Ryou's oragnization know each other? Well, actually YES. haha If you recall the previous conversation between Reiko and Ryou, Reiko mentioned something about their rival organization having some problems regarding their heir. That rival organization is actually the organization where Kenta and his Uncle belong. hehe
babsy10 - Thank you! Glad it was worth the wait. hehe I can get extremely lazy at times so I tend to put off work and updates. hehe But when I update, I try my best to make things interesting...
dyang4 - You're hoping Shin makes it back in time? Well, that really didn't happn in Chapter 24. hehe I tend to twist things a little differently.
__cherry-apple-wine - Hi! Thanks for catching up on so many chapters! hehe You've been added to the PM List. I'm always glad to have a new reader around. =)
Princess_Wincyy - Reiko's threat was meant to be a joke. It's not impossible to period on another person's face. Two very idiotic people can try it but it's gross and I don't know... Yuck. Can't even imagine it. Anyway, you've been added to the PM List! Thanks for reading!
1shinhwa - Thanks for reading! As much as I want to post soon, you may find that I can be extremely lazy. haha
beef taco - The best chapter? Really???? *blush* Thank you! haha
STEPHiiiEx3 - Yes, it's a very memorable quote. I didn't know how I came up with that! haha
leavemebroken - Thanks for reading! Welcome to the world of The Crimson Insignia.. hehe
xXKymmXx - Welcome! Glad you liked my story! Thanks for reading! You've been added to the PM List... =)
mangoes_ - Sucks when you want to read but some things/people get in the way, right? haha But glad you were able to finally read everything. haha Does Miharu know that Reiko is Ryou's sister? No, not yet... hehe
SHINEjaejoong - What happened to Shin? Well, read Chapter 24 and find out! =) hehe And I agree with Miharu too. Reiko's threat was crappy... but it was EPICLY crappy. hahaha
thenon-violent torturer,
shattered teardrops
shattered teardrops
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