Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Feel... Pressured?

Honestly? Yes, a little.

Ever since I've finished my SoEul fanfic entitled Capturing the Casanova and posted it on Winglin, Soompi, The Archive and, I have received multiple PMs, comments and reviews about my grammar, the fluidity of my story, my creativity, my English, yada-yada-yada... And I'm really thankful... Truthfully, I feel very happy that a lot of readers appreciate the way I write and the ideas that come out in my story.

BUT... Okay, there's that big BUT.

I've also received comments telling me to write another SoEul fanfic. The truth is, I have a third SoEul fanfic apart from the one-shot I made and CTC. It's entitled "The Art of Lip-Locking" and is posted only at The Archive.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I'm hiding this fanfic that's why I'm not posting it on other sites just like CTC. It's just that I've written this fanfic out of pure fun and... erm... Well, I wouldn't call it perverseness. I'd rather call it... Sensuality. Yes, that's the term. hehe

The Art of Lip-Locking is actually an NC-17 fanfic, that means its has smut and lemony scenes which are not suitable for young readers. Hence, I'm scared to post it on Soompi and I'm a little doubtful whether I should post it on Winglin and Maybe I'll do that when I get half-way through the story. But definitely not right now.

Anyway, that's not why I feel being pressured. The truth is, I feel pressured because many of my readers tell me that I should write MORE SoEul fic or rather ANOTHER SoEul fanfic. This is what pressures me the most because even though I love the SoEul pairing, I'm scared to be categorized as an Author who merely excels in writing fanfics for SoEul.

Personally, I'm half-way through SoEul. What I meant is, I feel like I've done what I could do with the pairing. And that I should move on and create another story with different characters. Again, I don't mean that I no longer ship SoEul. I'm still a true blue SoEul Shipper. I'm still a fan. But as a writer, I feel like I should let them go and create different characters apart from SoEul.

And this pressure... I think it's caused by being torn between what the writer in me wants and what the readers want me to write. I want to create my own characters apart from SoEul. But the readers want me to write more SoEul.


As of now, I haven't updated any of my other on-going fics. I'm still busy with school. Heck, who the hell crams up Constitution and Civil Rights with Political Theories and Argumentation and Debate? Not to mention, Research on Political Science? What the hell were they thinking cramming up all the major subjects in one sem? Honestly! I feel like... ugh... I am so dead.

That's it for now...
Will update if there are new developments...

shattered teardrops


  1. first let me say that you are a great writer and i love your work.. esp. capturing the casanova (slightly biased there coz i'm a soeul fan.. hehe)
    now down to business.. hehehe.. don't let that pressure get you.. feel free to relax. it's not as if you've got a deadline right? relax and unwind, maybe the next time you sit in front your computer inspiration will just flow like water...
    lastly.. i'm proud that you're a Filipino coz i'm also one.. hehehe..

  2. Hi... Thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm still trying to unwind after continuously writing these past few months. hehe I'll try not to be pressured... But I think it's difficult to do that. haha Thanks anyway, kabayan! XD

  3. Write on KB+KSE pairing then, instead of YJ+GE characters.

  4. update the story... please~~

  5. Don't let the pressure get into you, cause its not healthy ( in my opinion ) :D Anyways, its a good thing you are caring about your readers ( especially the young ones ). Although, I must say, I'm thrilled to read that one despite my age =-= ( I mean w/ all the influences I get from all the pervy stuff I see e.g net friends XD ) yeye, so ye just good luck on your writing and keep it up :3

  6. Hi Shattered Teardrops,

    I loved your work! Very creative writing. The build up of the love story between Yi Jung and Ga Eul was pretty magical. I've been reading your story over and over again. I just can't get over it. I've read a lot of fanfic and this is by so far the best that I've read. Nobody have ever thought of doing this concept. Inserting a side story beside the original story. Although I noticed that you changed the story line a little bit but I enjoyed it a lot.

    Anyway, don't get pressured. Just enjoy what your doing. Write what you feel writing that's when a writer brings out her best work.
