Sunday, June 12, 2011


I just started law school last June 6, 2011. And I just got through my first six days in law school. It was effing hellish, I tell you.

Nevertheless, I'm not here to talk about that.

Anyways, before classes started, I mapped out goals to do before I run out of free time. Unfortunately, I was not able to complete any of those goals because I had been very occupied with a lot of things.

Secondly, I would like to inform you all that my writing is going to take the back seat for now. Law school is demanding, and exhausting, and stressing and - It's crazy.

I just got through my first week and I'm already very dizzy with all the work I have to do, and all the cases I have to read and digest.

Truth be told, if I see another case, I'm going to barf. And that's saying much because I have to study 16 cases tomorrow for my graded recitation on Monday. And 200 more cases before Friday.

And what's more hellish is the fact that before I sleep at night since last week, I have been thinking of a fantasy romance plot for a story, and have been polishing character details in my mind. What's hellish is the fact that I don't have time to put it into paper!!! ARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!

I've also been itching to write an update for Keeping the Casanova and for He Caught Me but I just don't have the effing time!

It's disappointing and frustrating, plus the fact that my stress levels are soaring high up because of law school - my sanity has been treading on a very thin thread and very soon, I'm gonna snap. And when that happens, I will have to bitch-slap someone senseless to relieve stress. (Any volunteers?)

Anyways, that's it.

I'm not really going on a temporary hiatus, but I will have to say that I'm not going to be updating as frequently as before. Please understand and please be patient. You're going to be of a lot of help to me if you just be patient. Thank you very much.


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